This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)



Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What do we try to accomplish when we perform data analysis?

  • Why would a researcher use R for public health analysis?

  • What are the benefits of adopting reproducible research practices?

  • Characterize typical public health data analysis steps

  • Describe pros and cons of different statistical software

  • Define ‘reproducibility’ and related terms

What is data analysis?

What are the typical steps involved with public health data analysis?

Reasons for using R versus other statistical software, Python, etc.

To think about: What do you want to make sure you’re able to do in R?

If you’ve never done any programming before, what research goals are you hoping that learning to program in R will help you achieve?

If you have experience using other statistical software packages, what are some things you like about the packages you’ve used? What are some things you didn’t like?

R for Reproducible Science

What do we mean when we say we’d like to practice “reproducible” science work in R?

Bring in the “reproducible science” paper and follow the main points through the lesson. Bring them in here.

What else?

Key Points

  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)